25 men and women. 7 raid instances. 56 raid bosses. 12 hours. The Jane Doe Guild All
Take down 56 bosses in 12 hours from 6pm until 6am in one glorious night of raiding fun.

The final tally.
33 bosses. 18 achievements for
Deme. Realm 4
th for Poke in the Eye. Realm 4
th for Must Deconstruct Faster. Realm 6
th for The Keepers of
Ulduar. I realise most people will have these ticked off for months (if not a year or more!) but our
little realm was only created with
Arthas and there was a stronger focus on 10 man in the beginning.

Maiev gets a bit depressed.
Personally, I had a few bumps along the way last night. My tanking wasn't up to par in my own opinion and having only ever done
Ulduar in any progression sense, once (in 10 man and I've never seen
Yogg), it was tough to take it all in. To get up to
Yogg, before we decided we weren't going to get any further, was a great achievement in itself. I think that was about 2 or 3am.

Mimiron 25 man. /flex
We then went on to
Sunwell Plateau where I had a
loregeekgasm moment when I saw
ZOMGWTF he's bad?!! Oh no, he's not
he's been possessed. Having not played the game in BC, I wasn't fully aware of
Kalecgos's story, so I got a little bit over excited at the end of that raid when I realised I could click an orb and become a blue dragon. Not ride one, not talk to one. BE AN

Deme has a quiet moment to herself.
Having seen the blues in Sunwell, we felt it only fitting to head over and see the Patriach himself, Malygos. Love him or hate him, this fight is a lot of fun in my book. I'm riding a dragon ffs!!

Dying is the only way to get a decent picture.
Finally with about an hour to go (I could be wrong my mind is a little fuzzy on this now) we headed over to Naxxramas. Sure it's old. Sure it's been cleared by every man and his dog and no one cares about it any more. But at 5am after 11 hours of raiding, with people now falling by the way side and 19 left fighting through the sleep deprivation, it's like a welcoming old friend who has a cozy mattress waiting for you. We cleared the Spider Wing, got Arachnophobia for those who hadn't got it and then someone mentioned the Plague quarter.
With something like 20 minutes left we headed in. Tiredness was clearly apparent as we died on trash. A quick run back and a dash through and we were good for
Patchwerk. With
Verde saying "10 minutes to go folks!" we
dropped it like it was hot. And then some clever sod said "Let's do
Grobbulus!". I cried inside and felt all the pain of last autumn coming back to me. Not him, please not him. I don't want to die to that stinky fucker at this time of night. Haven't we done enough? Aren't we happy now? Apparently no, we had not done enough. No we were not happy yet. I don't think he made it 1/2 way round the room. Take that bitch. Take that in your stupid injection arm. Take that in your ugly face.
All in all, 33 bosses went down. The rest are on notice. God dayum it was fun. Shoddy video below of our Dragon Parade high above Dragonblight at the end of the night.
Off to sleep,