Eeeek! Too many ideas in my head so need to get them down fast. Just had a quick glance over at
Psynister's Notebook but didn't want to read the full blog until I'd posted my own thoughts on the latest Blog
Azeroth Shared Topic - Would having no comments make you a better blogger? - because I want to give my own opinion without any outside influence.
I L O V E getting comments. First of all, it let's me know someone has actually read the damn thing, and more often than not I get the chance to delve a little deeper than I might have had room for in the blog or they present an angle I had not thought of which sheds new light on a topic.
Most of all, I just like talking about something I love, which is why I started a blog, I'm a spurious
CPS Queen and hope that through all the rambling and shite I spew out some one somewhere finds it funny and/or helpful. Comments are a great way to let me know that.
Would having no comments make me a better blogger? Personally, for me, I doubt it. I've learnt most from reading other blogs and seeing how they set themselves up, from reading the opening gambits on
Blog Azeroth (THANK YOU!) and the rest is just luck and
moxi. I know through Google Analytics that my blog is read so even though people don't leave comments, I know there's a few people actually reading who aren't the google bots.
I believe I've grown as a blogger and whilst I try to cover the topics that I think are relevant, I write what I want to write and I write for me. I love comments, but I'm not (thank god) dependant upon them, if someone else happens to like what I've
tippitty tapped onto a screen, it's a
Brucey Bonus. If more than one person likes it, hell I'm like a pig in poo.