
Friday, 15 October 2010

4.0.1 The good, bad and f'ugly.

Following on from Grokk's blog yesterday I was wondering what everyone else was loving/hating/putting up with so far. My list is currently something like this

T11 DK set. RAWR! Big and beefy. Very much looking forward to that.
Char animation on log in screen. Good fun
Glyph prices
The event in SW throne room
Pretty water
Shadows! Flying and seeing my mounts shadow on the ground keeps making me think I'm being followed by a mob.
Master of Riding. Saved myself 5k. Grinding for Violet Proto for that year is SO inyourface worth it now.

LAG in Dalalag
The 'my class is broken' QQ. THEY ALL ARE YOU TWAT. Jeebus.

Putting up with
Playing in windowed mode
Not having all my addons and having a screen which doesn't look so hot

So all in all, I'm pretty happy :)

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